Thursday 14 February 2013

Office Meditation

We like to keep you up to date with the latest research from the world of wellbeing so that you can share this with your colleagues or use it to help you design the most effective corporate wellness programme.

The thoughts your employees allow to inhabit their heads determine everything they do but researchers have shown that some 95% of our thoughts are repetitive, and 80% negative. This is most likely due to our survival instinct, which keeps us looking over our shoulder for threats. Negative thoughts may even make us do things we know we shouldn’t, such as over-eat, skipping the gym or making bad decisions at work.

One of the ways that we’ve found most effective to help people think differently is with a few simple meditation exercises. Suggest that staff try the following a couple of times a week to begin with and see how it affects their thinking.  Remember that calming the mind may take practice but it’s an invaluable skill to have.  Clearing the head by focusing on the now will always make you more productive later.

Sit comfortably in a quiet space. You still have thoughts, but they are more like observations. Narrate less. Listen more.  Keep breathing, slower and more fully each time, until you feel a sense of stillness.  Melt further into the lazy indulgence of letting yourself be. Only existing in the present moment. 

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