Friday 28 March 2014

Some Wellbeing Inspiration for the Spring

Time for some new progress updates from a selection of our recent workshop participants.  

As usual, the route to success is a familiar one with all these people identifying simple changes and taking prompt and consistent action.  Always illustrating how much can be achieved in just a few weeks when you put your mind to it...

I really took on board the contents of your presentation!!!

I have cut my alcohol consumption by 25%, not always sticking to the mon-thurs rule but having the same net effect! I have also cut down to one cup of tea a day reducing my caffeine and also resulting in 6 fewer spoons of sugar a day! I have lost 5 pounds, sleep better, I had quite raw skin on my face and it is so much better!!!

I have started to relax by giving myself jobs to do when I get home, I am a home maker and anything to make the home better will help me relax!
Thanks for the inspiration!
I have improved eating breakfast most days and I also added to this objective to chew my food!   And I have discovered food tastes better when you actually chew it

I am working hard on my posture when at my desk and driving.

I have begun reviewing my diary in an effort to make time for exercise in the week – still work in progress

Thanks again, I found this useful to check myself

I’m doing my very best to get 10,000 steps in every day by making it a point to take a walk at lunch with my pedometer – no matter what!
Being more conscious of my water intake too. Still working on portion sizes….I do love my food! It’s mostly all healthy though.

Thanks again and see you soon

Can't believe where time goes!
I'm very well thank you, I hope you're doing well too?

I've made good progress with going to the gym 5x a week, and water consumption. I've managed to get my 5k run down to 27 mins and feel fitter and healthier for it.

Eating habits have been more challenging, going for regular breaks and eating right whilst at work being my main opportunity still, however have got better with days off and meals when at home.

Sleep - hmmm I'm still up! Some days are better than others but still lots of room for improvement.

I'm following you on twitter so I can keep you up to date, and get hints and tips.

Hope you're well - thank you for the reminder about my personal well being targets.

- I have joined a running club along the Thames Path route which has given me some me time and inspires me to get home at a decent hour after work to enjoy that release
- I am getting better at making time for breakfast every day - I would say I manage it 3 times a week and the other mornings grab a banana for the car so it's still something I need to work on
- I bought a flask and have it on my desk throughout the day which has helped me rehydrate and reduced headaches I was having for a while.

Thanks again

Thanks for the reminder, I have been trying hard, only managed small steps but feel better:

1. Exercise has not increased as much as I would have liked, but I do get off the tube one stop earlier which means just under a mile walk to the office - a good start to the day rather than battling through hundreds of people ! 
2. Definitely drinking more water and probably less coffee, still need to drink less coffee
3. Eating more fruit, nuts rather than biscuits and looking at sugar content
4. Sleep pattern has improved
Thanks for your support

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