Monday 24 March 2014

Skip Your Way to Fitness

This Friday is National Skipping Day so why not challenge your colleagues to get moving and enjoy this time-efficient way to get in shape fast. 

It's good enough to keep boxers fighting fit so encourage everyone to grab a rope and give it a spin. Here are a couple of suggestions for skipping based workouts. 

1. Start with 20 skips and then rest for a few moments. Then complete 30 skips and rest. Continue increasing the number of skips you do with each set but keep the rests short. Once you get to 100 skips, reverse the process counting down by 10 skips per set. 

2. Combine a circuit of five or six strength training exercises such as push ups, squats, pull ups and lunges with some skipping. 50-100 skips between each exercise will keep the heart rate up and maximise the fitness and fat burning benefits of the workout. 

Promote these options in your business and you'll be helping everyone with some great ideas to work out over the weekend. 

And if you want to make things interesting, why not encourage everyone to take a selfie of their skipping workout and you can award a prize for the best one. 

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