Thursday 6 March 2014

Get Moving on Monday: It's Sport Your Trainers Day

Next Monday, March 10th, is Sport Your Trainers Day.  It's an event organised to get people thinking about the forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.

It's also a great opportunity for everyone to engage with their own current level of exercise or maybe try out some new activities.

So why not think about the following ideas for yourself and your colleagues.  These are simple suggestions of how you could get everyone involved in some activity and add a bit of fun to the proceedings.

  • Encourage all members of your team, department or business to commit to completing 10,000 steps on Monday 10th.  You could award prizes for the individual or group with the highest number of steps for the day.
  • The weather looks as though it'll be fine on Monday so encourage as many people as you can to get their trainers on and get outside at lunchtime.  Not only will they get some extra activity but they'll benefit from a break and some fresh air leaving them energised for the afternoon.
  • Send a note challenging everyone to make the most innovative use of Sport Your Trainers Day.  Encourage people to try out a new event, sport, class or way to get active today and share success stories to inspire others around the business.

One thing you can be sure of, some of the ways in which people get active on the day will give them motivation and inspiration to remain active for weeks or months to come.

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