Monday 10 February 2014

Relax, Unwind, Sleep Well

Today's tip in our Be the Boss of February series has proved very popular so I thought I'd share it on the blog...

Day 10: Be the Boss of February

When days are long and busy it can be difficult to unwind and sleep well.

For the best quality and quantity of sleep it's important to prepare your mind and body towards the end of the evening and put together your optimum pre-sleep routine which will guarantee a great night of rest.

Here are a few things to consider:
  • Establish the time by which you'd like to be asleep
  • Track back from this time deciding what you do just before you fall asleep.   This could be reading or listening to music or the radio.  Decide how long you'd like to spend doing this and make sure you're in bed in time to achieve this
  • Make a rule for when you switch off your technology and leave it well away from where you are sleeping
  • Monitor what you eat and drink close to bed time to ensure there's nothing in your food routine that could disrupt your sleep.  Give yourself time to digest your last meal or snack before bed.  Hot milky drinks and herbal teas can aid sleep.  Caffeinated drinks and alcohol can disrupt your sleep.
  • You may wish to include a short ritual in the earlier part of the evening of tidying your sleeping area and clearing your mind by noting down any outstanding issues that could keep you awake
Be the Boss of February is a series of simple daily wellness tips to help everyone through what can be a tough month and set individuals and businesses up for a great 2014.

To read more and sign up click here

Image by tamakisono Flickr

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