Friday 11 April 2014

Some Motivating Wellness Successes

With the weekend approaching, it's always a good time to think about how this week has been for your wellbeing and energy levels and make plans for anything that needs to be worked on for next week.

To help focus your mind, here are a few updates that we've received this week from participants in our wellness programmes.  These messages illustrate quite clearly how a little thought, some simple actions, and a bit of consistency can add up to positive and very satisfying results.

So take a moment this weekend to consider the simplest ways in which you can sharpen up your wellbeing and make sure you take immediate action wherever you can.

'Things are going very well. I lost almost 2 Kg and I’m keeping my new diet.  I’m thinking about starting with this “running thing” that seems to be winning a lot of fans!!!

This way of living really changed my life. Improvements in my day to day way of living are really making me feel better, as for my health and for my self-confidence. Changing almost all my wardrobe gave me a lot of pleasure!!!

Thank you for your inspiration and challenges.'

'I have considerably cut down on fizzy drinks although I haven't cut them out completely yet!

I am eating at regular times and I am planning what I eat in advance. I am also now in a regular sleeping pattern. Over the last month I feel more focused and efficient in all aspects of life not just work. 

Whats next? To cut carbonated drinks completely and continue making subtle changes to my diet and wellbeing that will result in a big change. 

Your session was awesome. Thanks for the insight.'

'Thank you for the reminder.  My health and wellness program is going quite well.  I am eating much better.  I am exercising 3-4 times per week, and am doing Yoga once per week.'

'Still taking my water to work daily, diet is slowly working, approx. 1lb a week at the moment although this isn't a lot I feel , little often will probably work best for me at the moment.'

'I have been eating smaller and regular meals seeing an improvement in my energy levels, I have finally bought a water bottle so I can drink more throughout the day.'

'Yes I have stuck to my commitments, though it has not been easy! It has made me feel more alert in the day and more energised to do something when I get home. I've even lost a bit of weight too. I'm hoping to compete a half marathon in September. Thanks for checking in.'

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