Friday 25 July 2008

3 Ways to Stop Falling Asleep at Work

How did you sleep last night? Badly, tossing and turning and mulling over the state of your bank balance? Well, according to a new report, 75% of workers aren't getting enough sleep and bringing their tiredness to work with them the next day. They blame it on the Credit Crunch - the most depressing and overused term of the last year or so. But worrying about money (or lack of) and the cost of commuting which is now even more expensive thanks to fuel prices and job security can feel very real at 2 in the morning.

So what can you do to stay awake and alert in the office after a rubbish nights sleep?

Sleep is so important to every organisation whether they acknowledge it or not. Your workforce is only as productive as the quality of their sleep. We work with a few organisations who are on top of this - usually because they have a lot of shift work which disrupts even the best of sleep patterns. We help them by showing their staff how to manage their state of mind and be able to relax when they need to. We spend a lot of time helping them understand how to focus and be effective when they're busy and then also how unwind and still the mind when they need to focus or recharge their batteries. 

Here are 3 key themes we teach:

1) Breathing and stretching techniques to invigorate the body and sharpen the mind for the day ahead.

2) State management strategies to help busy workers move between a variety of daily tasks without losing focus

3) Relaxation techniques to clear and refresh the mind during the day and aid quality sleep at night

What do you do to help yourself focus when you're tired and relax when you need to?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are some good tips for not falling asleep at work, I always find myself dozing off in the middle of some mundane work task I have to do. I find when I’m falling asleep at work drinking energy drinks like 6 hour power helps to give me the extra energy I need to make it through the rest of the day. Have you ever tried it?
6 Hour Power is the energy drink that you can feel fast and will last! 6 Hour Power will help to enhance your concentration and improve your performance at whatever you’re doing at the moment. It’s not like those other energy drinks that will bring you up and then crash, 6 Hour Power will give you the energy you need and that’s it! Did I mention that it’s sugar free and comes in 5 delicious flavors?!
Go see for yourself at
I am brand ambassador for 6 Hour Power, and ever since I started working for them I find whenever I need a little pick me up an orange 6 Hour Power definitely does the trick!
I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds by posting on your blog, and if you have any questions or want more info feel free to shoot me an email. I would love to know what you think of the energy drink!
Feel it fast.
Energy that lasts!
Elle Davis
Brand Ambassador