Wednesday 15 January 2014

Wellness Changes Working Already in 2014

I read a suggestion the other day that many people have already given up on their New Year wellness resolutions by this point.  Actually, the theory is that the majority only last 10 days before they revert to their previous behaviour.

Thankfully, this isn't the case for those we work with so, after checking in with a selection of workshop attendees we first had contact with in November and December, we thought you'd like to know which lifestyle changes have been the easiest for them to make and maintain.

We've also included details of how the changes have benefited these people because, let's face it, this is the most motivating piece of the puzzle.  Not what we change but how it makes us feel better.

So here's a selection to begin with and we'll keep you updated with more over the coming days to help you stay focused and motivated on your wellness objectives for the coming year. All good illustrations that if you can get beyond the 10 days and manage a month or two of your new habits, the results really can be dramatic.

'I used to think I didn't like to go to the gym early in the morning but trying your early sessions was surprisingly positive and I now go to the gym twice a week at 6am and the result is fantastic.  I return in time to have breakfast with my wife and she comments that I'm a different person after exercise - full of energy.'

'I drink more water and less coffee.  I also now go to bed at 11pm and sleep for 7-8 hours.  I am now more productive in the day and sleep better which provides me with energy that lasts from morning until night time.'

'I've started having breakfast, eating a smaller lunch and evening meal and fitting in healthy snacks.  I've also gone from no exercise to getting active three times each week so far.  I feel these changes are integral to my professional success and, after all, it's worth doing as I'm the one that gains the most.'

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