Thursday 29 January 2015

Lowering Blood Pressure: The Essential Guide, part 1

February is National Heart Month, which got us thinking.

Ensuring healthy blood pressure is a simple way for individuals and organisations to stay healthy and productive, so here are 3 key points everyone should think about along with instant actions you can get started with immediately.

1. Know your numbers
Many people suspect they have high blood pressure but not everyone knows their current measurements. Others have no idea what their blood pressure figures are which is not good - heart disease is often referred to as the silent killer as it can go undetected until something serious happens.

Instant action:

If it's more than three months since you had your blood pressure checked either make an appointment today to have it checked within the next two weeks, or order your own blood pressure monitor online so that you can check it regularly in the comfort of your own home.

2. Design a balanced fitness programme
In the quest to reduce blood pressure or maintain healthy numbers exercise is crucial, but make sure your programme has balance and sustainability. 

Exercising periodically will help, but not as much as planning a routine of challenging exercise every 2-3 days.  It's the regularity and consistency of your activity that has the biggest impact on your blood pressure.

Similarly, thrashing yourself now and again with some kind of cardio activity such as running, football, rugby or squash might make you feel better but won't stabilise your blood pressure as effectively as a rounded and on-going routine of cardio exercise, strength training, mobility, stability and flexibility work.

Instant action:

Take a 20-minute walk within the next hour and while you walk, plan your next 10-days of exercise which should include 4 workouts containing a mixture of the above elements.  Ideally the first workout should take place today or tomorrow.

3. Clear your head
A lot of stress - a major contributor to high blood pressure - is rooted in our perception of 'busyness' and feeling overwhelmed.  Often the difference between feeling in control and feeling bounced around the day like a pinball isn't very dramatic - simply taking a moment here and there to review your progress and decide on priorities will make all the difference.

Instant action:

Find a quiet spot and sit down, close your eyes and take 20 deep breaths.  You might be tempted to move but hold onto the moment until you've completed the 20 breaths.  When you've finished, plan a time to do the same tomorrow and every day moving forwards.  Aim to increase the length of time you spend practicing deep breathing every few days.  Not only will you feel calmer but you will be able to organise your day better with a renewed ability to focus on priorities.

Practice all of the above and look out for part 2 of our essential guide to lower blood pressure coming soon...

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Monday 26 January 2015

Wellness Determination and a Great Result

On the day when experts are saying that current exercise recommendations are 'unrealistic for most', I received a great note from a lady who attended a programme we worked on a couple of years ago:

'Back in the old days when I was a participant, fresh from having a baby, you may recall me mentioning I couldn’t run 100m and wanted to work on that.  

WELL, while it took longer than I had hoped, thanks to the joys of an overfull workday, I DID run my first 10K this past weekend at the Standard Chartered marathon in Dubai.  Slow as hell but hey, I have a time to beat now J'

Brilliant.  It just goes to show that with a clear goal and a bit of determination, great things are possible.  Take a moment today to check that your wellness goals are specific, exciting and framed with a deadline.  Plan what you will do this week to move closer to your goals and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Good luck.

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Friday 16 January 2015

Forget Blue Monday: Top tips to boost wellbeing for 2015

Monday 19th January is 'Blue Monday' - supposedly the most depressing day of the year.  Well, let's not dwell on that.  We prefer to be optimistic.

So for all those in need of some inspiration, motivation and practical advice to sharpen up their health, wellbeing and performance for 2015, here are 9 top wellness tips that will benefit any organisation.  Feel free to share these with your colleagues and if you'd like any help with designing a fantastic wellbeing programme for your business we'd be happy to help.

Be clear on individual objectives and specific deadlines
Most people have vague ideas about what they’d like to achieve with their wellbeing. Providing staff with regular coaching and advice will really help them firm up these vague ideas, get to the heart of why they want to make changes, inject motivation, add accountability, and ensure they put together an effective plan to achieve lasting success.

For dramatic results, be consistent
Remind everyone that even a small amount of daily activity will create a positive mind-set, and that completing just a couple of exercise sessions each week will add up to 100 workouts a year. That’s enough to keep anyone feeling positive about their fitness routine, and achieve great results.

Fuel yourself regularly
Grazing throughout the day on well-chosen meals and snacks stabilises energy levels and is the most effective strategy for weight management. Encourage the habit of healthy choices, little and often.

Make a plan and follow it
Help individuals establish what a specific healthy eating plan looks like for their routine and their objectives, and then provide the resources they need to follow this plan. Simple information on how to plan recipes, prepare a selection of meals, and shop effectively can save staff time, anxiety and money.

Take regular breaks throughout the day
Many people run through their day at a million miles an hour only to find that by the end of it they feel exhausted and have spent valuable time in the wrong areas. Regular review moments ensure attention is focused on appropriate priorities and create time to refuel, recharge and ensure consistent energy. Prioritising time for yourself can minimise stress and maximise effectiveness in all areas.

Set boundaries
Every individual needs to establish what work-life balance means for them so they can plan their schedule and set their priorities. Without an idea of what you’re aiming for with your time management and life balance, you risk a lack of focus and tasks taking longer than they need to. Be proactive in this area. Decide how much time you want each week for yourself, your family, exercise, sleep, hobbies, socialising etc and also be very clear on how much time you feel is optimum for you to spend working. Without a plan work may encroach onto other areas and leave you frustrated. Knowing your boundaries also helps you operate most effectively during your work time and ensures you plan and delegate efficiently.

Take charge of technology
Technology can make our lives easier or it can take over our routine and eat time. It’s up to each individual to design an approach to making the best use of their phone, email and the internet. And remember, there is an off switch!

Prioritise sleep and recovery
Our mind and body need recovery time so rather than stealing time from sleep to pack more into each day, prioritise your rest and recovery. You’ll become more efficient at using time wisely when you’re well rested rather than tasks taking longer than necessary because you feel fatigued.

Make fitness a resolution for the year, not just for January
For busy workers it’s far better to be realistic and complete 1 or 2 quality workouts per week, every week, than to aim to exercise 4-5 times a week and then end up squeezing activity in when you’re distracted, wasting energy on ineffective training time, or feeling that you’ve let yourself down if you don’t manage to fit in everything you planned. Bear this in mind when thinking about New Year resolutions and plan to feel great for the entire year, not just for the first two weeks of January! 

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Thursday 8 January 2015

Health, Wellness & Personal Performance: A strategic business advantage

In a fast-paced world there's a distinct risk for professionals that looking after themselves can slip down the priority list. The danger is that while we live in a high energy environment, our personal energy can sometimes feel challenged or compromised. 

But, make no mistake, our ability to perform at any level, in any sector, is directly determined by how we feel physically and mentally every day.  With a number of recent high profile cases of stress and burnout affecting senior business leaders, it's more important than ever that we all invest in our health and our energy. 

The Tonic is a corporate wellness company which specialises in helping professionals understand what it takes to perform at their peak.  We deliver a very successful life-changing workshop designed to enable individuals and organisations take their health, energy and effectiveness to the next level.

Over the course of the 90-minute workshop, we will ensure participants are equipped with everything they need to optimise their personal and professional performance by enhancing their lifestyle choices.  

Everyone will have the opportunity to design a bespoke plan for health, energy and performance; a plan they can put into action immediately as they are guided through a simple 7-step framework: 
  • Personal wellness and performance: where are you now?
  • What good wellness looks like for you
  • How to eat for optimum energy, no matter how busy your schedule
  • How to design an effective exercise routine for quick and lasting results
  • The secrets of a great night's sleep
  • Key lifestyle choices to help you manage pressure and build resilience
  • How to maintain wellness as a short, medium and long-term priority

The workshop is suitable for up to 25 participants.  Larger numbers can be catered for as a presentation format.

To book your Health, Wellness and Personal Performance workshop, email Jeff Archer on or call 020 8995 1302.

Join the likes of British Gas, DLKW Lowe, London Business School, Madgex, Roche Products, Sainsbury's, Tesco and many others and fast-track your teams to optimum wellbeing results.

'Your session was awesome. Thanks for the insight.  Over the last month I feel more focused and efficient in all aspects of life, not just work.'

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