Monday 10 June 2013

Simple Strategies for Healthy Blood Pressure

There are two reasons for tackling this topic today. 

Firstly, it’s the beginning of Men’s Health Week and high blood pressure can be an issue for men in all sectors of business.  Read our blog on Men’s Health Week here.

Secondly, as we mentioned in our press release last week, we come across an awful lot of executives at all levels, male and female, who have high blood pressure.  Some already know about it and some don’t. 

So, starting today, we’ll be highlighting a few simple daily behaviours that will employees with high blood pressure bring the numbers back down to healthy levels, and will ensure that everyone else can maintain a healthy, efficient circulatory system for now and long into the future. 

Every business should ensure their people are equipped with this knowledge so they can take responsibility and make informed lifestyle choices.

We’re kicking off with simple food choices that anyone can make, that will help regulate blood pressure.

Get your 5-a-day
You’ve heard it many times and here’s just another reason to make it happen.  A calm internal environment will keep your system running smoothly and reduce the likelihood of physical stress which can in turn aggravate mental stress, both of which will increase blood pressure. 

Fruit and vegetables supply us with vitamins, minerals and nutrients that will improve the strength, immunity and efficiency of the body.  Eating plenty of fresh stuff also leaves less of an appetite for the meals and snacks that rob us of energy, increase stress and aggravate blood pressure.

And forget aiming for 5-a-day as that often means you end up with 2 or 3.  Plan for at least 8 and you’ll make sure you end up with 5 without doubt.  I’m sure that sounds like a challenge for some, but here are some suggestions of how to make it happen.

Porridge with bananas, blueberries & strawberries or omelette with tomato and peppers

Morning snack
Orange and walnuts or carrots, cucumber and hummus

Wrap with turkey, spinach and peppers or fish with rocket, tomatoes, avocado and pineapple

Afternoon snack
Apple and oatcakes or banana and rice cakes

Evening meal
Chicken with noodles, onion, peppers and garlic or fish with rice and steamed broccoli and green beans

How to make it work...
Obviously, each person’s food routine needs to be appropriate for their schedule, tastes, objectives and ideas have to be practical, but following these guidelines will help keep blood pressure optimum as well as improving the chances of a productive week with high energy and great sleep.  Even the busiest of employees should be able to try some of the suggestions over the coming days.

Image by Flickr: comedy_nose

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