Thursday 30 May 2013

Inspiring Wellness Success Story 15

Next in our series of success stories from our wellness programmes, two examples of how easy it can be to achieve dramatic results with simple but consistent changes to a daily routine.

These two people each took a slightly different approach during their programme.  One of them was motivated to focus on their exercise routine, while the other prioritised changes to their food schedule.

The results speak for themselves:

'I have never felt or been fitter, and the results are much more energy, optimism and emotional resilience, which got me through a particularly tough time at work.'

'I feel much better during the day: with more energy.'

Here's a review of how they made wellness work

1) Exercise & resilience

  • The date of the programme you attended
November 2011
  • The lifestyle changes you made during programme
I attended one exercise class, or went swimming, virtually every day of the programme
  • The lifestyle changes you made following programme
Initially, just an attempt to exercise more, and more regularly
  • The lifestyle changes that have stuck with you to the present day
Now, I exercise in the morning, twice a week, and I go spinning at least one other morning a week
  • The secrets of your success with wellbeing
A regular commitment is vital
  • What advice that you received made the greatest impact on you?
You have time to keep yourself fit – but you have to work at finding that time
  • The biggest benefits of making your lifestyle changes?
I have never felt or been fitter, and the results are much more energy, optimism and emotional resilience, which got me through a particularly tough time at work. And I look better so I am more confident
  • When wellbeing is working for you, what are the key elements that make the difference?  
Regular exercise, taking a healthy breakfast, having several alcohol-free evenings a week

2) Eating for Energy
  • The date of the programme you attended
September 2011
  • The lifestyle changes you made during programme
Started eating every 3 hours and much more healthy food
  • The lifestyle changes that have stuck with you to the present day
Continued to eat every 3 hours and much more healthy food plus exercising regularly
  • The secrets of your success with wellbeing
Sleeping regularity plus healthier food, eating every 3 hours and exercising more frequently
  • What advice that you received made the greatest impact on you?
The healthy eating presentation.  It made a huge difference on me – I lost 12 kg since the beginning of the programme!
  • The biggest benefits of making your lifestyle changes?
I feel much better during the day: with more energy!

If you'd like to discuss wellness modules for your leadership, training and development programmes, email us on

Image by Flickr:  Melly Kay Customs

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