Tuesday 14 May 2013

Make Your Workouts More Effective: When to eat protein

A participant on one of our leadership programmes last week asked me about protein consumption in relation to the timing of exercise, so...

It's long been believed that the best way to maximise the effects of strength training and promote effective muscle recovery and growth is to consume extra protein, either in solid form or in the form of protein drinks or shakes, shortly after your exercise session.

In fact, what's more effective, and what has been concisely explained in this month's REPs Journal*, is that rather than focusing too much on the post-workout period, you can maximise the effectiveness of your strength / resistance training with a regular intake of protein and carbohydrates on a day-to-day basis, and particularly in the time leading up to a workout.  Precisely when before a workout will depend on individual ability to eat before exercise but a meal around 2.5 hours before a workout or a snack 90-minutes prior to exercise seems to work for most.

This is good news for busy professionals as it means no extra planning.  All you need to do is follow the routines of balancing protein and carbs for all your meals and snacks and establish the best schedule for your pre-exercise fuelling.

How to incorporate this knowledge for maximum effect:

  1. Plan your resistance training schedule for the week.  This will be 2-3 workouts depending on your commitments.
  2. Plan your pre-wokout meal for each exercise day depending on your work diary.  Fish and rice with vegetables, pasta and chicken with salad are easy choices.
  3. Plan your pre-workout snack for each exercise day. Hummus and chopped vegetables, Nuts and fruit are simple selections

A simple strategy, but very effective.

*The REPs (Register of Exercise Professionals) Journal 2013;27(May)

Image by Flickr: Márton Divényi

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