Wednesday 30 April 2008

Free Donuts For The Office

Does your company offer great benefits?

We're not talking about the basic, core plans that most companies give you like Pensions, Life Assurance and Health Care.

We're talking about the extra perks. The kind of benefits that would attract you to a job, the kind of benefits that you brag about to your friends and the kind of benefits that may just stop you leaving that company.

The gym and yoga workouts and other wellness services we offer out clients always go down well but take a look at some of the other perks we've come across over the years.

The Indulgent
Bacon sandwiches on Fridays
Weekly Donuts / Bagels
Cakes on your birthday
Beers All Round on Friday afternoons

The Downright Useful
Subsidised Car Parking
Language Courses
Advanced Driving Lessons
Lifestyle Management services
Executive Coaching (could save on therapy bills)
Duvet Days

The Unusual
Subsidised pole dancing classes (this is real -a TV company I know paid for their PA's to go along to these classes)
Padded room for staff brainstorming

Does your company offer anything that can beat these?

Photograph by François @ (Flickr)

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