Monday 29 September 2014

3-Step Wellness: Issue, Solution, Results

We love it when people who attend our workshops are inspired to take quick and decisive action.  

Here's one recent example of how easy it can be to highlight areas that would benefit from improvement, establish specifically what action to take for quick results and then just get on with it.  

Everyone could benefit from following the strategy employed by this participant.  Here's their feedback.

'I would like to thank you for the tips you gave during the wellness session.  The actions that I took away and have found solutions for are as follows:

Issue 1: Due to the nature my of role I have to manage a considerable amount of travel which can impact on my level of exercise and the type of food available


1) Take trainers away with me so I can fit in a walk around meetings
2) Inform meeting organisers of dietary needs even if there has been no request for dietary needs. Take, where possible, own fruit and healthy options in luggage.

Issue 2: Level of workload due to travel and maintaining a day job can impact on the level of sleep i.e. using sleep time, particularly when travelling to catch up with emails etc


1) Plan, when less busy, work schedule to accommodate these requirements
2) Ensure there is a clear cut off time so sleeping hours are not reduced
3) Clearly communicate what is and what is not achievable to stakeholders 

Many thanks'

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