Thursday 24 October 2013

Peak Performance: do you know what you're really capable of?

This month saw the Ironman World Championships decided in Kona, Hawaii.  Both the men's and the women's race were hotly contested and there was a surprising comment by the eventual female winner, Mirinda Carfrae.

"I didn't know I had a performance like that in me."

Surprising because, despite all the training and competing she does at this level, she still didn't know what she was ultimately capable of when she put her mind (and body) to it.  It must have been an amazing feeling to find out, particularly given that she also said, "I just had one of those days where you don't hurt." Not bad for someone who set a new course record.

On a different level, I recently led a group of executives through a fitness session at the end of which one remarked that it was the most exercise he'd done for 30 years.  I think he was as pleased to get round the park as Mirinda was to break the course record at Ironman Kona.

It made me think about how often we really test ourselves and find out what we're made of, both in a physical capacity but also in relation to our daily challenges, professional and personal.

Pushing ourselves usually means that progress and new achievements soon become the norm as we endeavour to regularly raise the bar on our achievements so it's vital to make sure you stretch yourself regularly. 

So consider, what are you doing today that is completely within your capabilities and comfort zone?  Even if it's something that others would find challenging, if it's routine for you, how long would you want this behaviour to feature in your schedule before you'd be bored?

Today's challenge
What are you doing today that is a real challenge?  Something completely out of your comfort zone? Something that you know is important for you, and that you really want to do, but you're not quite sure you'll pull it off?  Is there anything like this today?  Or tomorrow?

Now consider if, over the medium term, you feel that the balance of your routine is appropriate to keep you focused, confident, engaged and progressing through life?

If not, take a moment to think about some exciting challenges that you can insert in the future and make sure they are a regular feature of your schedule.  

You might be pleasantly surprised at what you find out you're capable of.

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