Wednesday 30 January 2013

Healthy Breakfast Choices

We like to keep you up to date with the latest research from the world of wellbeing so that you can share this with your colleagues or use it to help you design the most effective corporate wellness programme.

Most people know that having a good breakfast is important.  It increases your metabolic rate which will burn more calories during the day.  But it's worth passing on this new research from Venezuela and Virginia Commonwealth University.  They have found that eating a big breakfast filled with carbohydrates and protein and then eating a low-carb, low-calorie diet for the rest of the day not only helps you lose weight but is also a great way to keep it off as well. It's also a great way to achieve high and consistent energy for the duration of the whole working day.  Oh, and remember to stay away from the sweets and chocolates in the vending machines too.  They cause a quick rise in energy levels followed by a quick dip and often contain more energy than your body can use meaning much of it will be stored as body fat.

Source Material
image by meglet127 at

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