Tuesday 10 May 2011

Motivation, Accountability & Fantastic Wellness Results

This morning I delivered a presentation to a group I haven't seen for 8-weeks. Since we met last, every single one of them has made positive changes to either their exercise routine, their diet, or their approach to rest, recovery and work-life balance.

And they've had some amazing results including completing a marathon, losing up to 18 pounds, experiencing more energy and feeling calmer and more productive.

They all agreed that knowing we were meeting today focused their mind over the last few weeks and kept them on track with doing the right thing.

So, I'm thinking a lot about motivation and accountability and how to guarantee great results with wellness.

The simplest way to achieve this through your wellness programme is to follow 3 easy steps:

1. Organise a selection of initiatives to raise awareness of successful wellness strategies. These can be health awareness events, presentations, workshops or lunch & learn sessions.
2. Provide the resources necessary for people to act quickly and consistently on their chosen wellness priorities. This includes access to information, experts, healthy food and a supportive business environment
3. Provide time-frames and make it clear when everyone will have the opportunity to report back on the progress they have made. Those taking part will immediately begin thinking about the results they'd like to achieve and the appropriate action to achieve these results will soon follow.

Given a fixed time-frame, individuals will achieve some amazing wellness changes which will boost energy and productivity throughout the business and enhance the reputation of your wellness programme.

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Image by zenobia_joy on Flickr

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