Thursday 3 March 2011

How to Help Staff Quit Smoking

It's No Smoking Day on March 9th and, whilst we don't run any initiatives specifically related to quitting smoking, we have worked with many smokers who have chosen to give up cigarettes during, or very soon after taking part in, our general wellness programmes.There's a large element of timing involved in when people choose to give up smoking and you certainly can't put pressure on them to quit - it simply doesn't help and chances are they're already putting a good deal of pressure on themselves to stop.

Here's how we achieve success in this area.

1) Focus on positives
There's little point repeating the negative consequences of smoking. Smokers are all too familiar with these. Instead send messages that focus on the positive elements of not smoking such as increased energy, better concentration, inner calm and a stronger immune system

2) Lay down a challenge
No one likes to feel they are operating below par in any area of life. Asking the general question of what would lead people to the greatest improvement with their health and wellbeing will usually steer smokers in the direction of giving up without you having to be too heavy handed with the message

3) Add accountability
People choose to stop smoking on our programmes because we provide a manageable time frame for them to work with. If they can stop for a couple of days, a week, a month or a couple of months over the duration of a modular programme, this can be enough to convince them they can become a non-smoker for the long-term.

March 9th is a good reminder to staff to be vigilant with their wellbeing habits Use No Smoking Day as part of your ongoing schedule of events and communications to ensure that healthy living is such a priority with employees that they'll always respond to opportunities to raise their game with their wellbeing.

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