Monday 18 May 2009

Employees Must Have the Will to Learn

When it comes to Leadership & Development course, most companies invest heavily in them because they firmly believe that they will enhance the performance of staff and equip them with vital new skills to make them even more productive and ready for new challenges in their industry.

In theory, this is absolutely correct but the reality can be sometimes a bit of a let down for the employer if staff are apathetic or worse still, reluctant about embarking on these learning programmes. We've all been there - dreaded an away day or scoffed at a course that we didn't really get the point of. But it doesn't have to be like this for staff members or employees.

The key to taking your Learning & Development course from one that's just there to one that really means something is to make sure that your staff understand the value of it and are prepared to go and really learn something new.

Sir Clive Woodward made some astute comments about this at a recent talk which is detailed here and he believes that:

"There is no doubt business has a huge fascination with sport and vice versa but I believe we underachieve as a nation," 

"Talent alone gets you into a position but in order to be a champion a talented person has to be coachable. Everyone is a sponge when they join an organisation but as time goes on they can become set in their ways and turn into rocks. A rock will never be a champion."

I completely agree with this sentiment. Staff members will want to learn and understand how to cope with new pressures if they have a wellbeing element to the course that encourages them to think and act competitively, to work together in teams - not just for bonding but for the sake of pulling together and appreciating what can be achieved. Being fit in the body really does help focus the mind and increase adrenalin and energy which all help with overall performance.

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body. It's as simple as that so when you have your next Leadership and Development programme, what wellbeing elements are you going to include? Now's the time to start planning.

The Tonic are suppliers of Wellbeing modules which sit alongside Training & Development programmes or as stand alone initiatives.  If you're interested in adding an element like this to your next programmes, contact

Photograph by Office Now (flickr)


Pauline Weddell said...

Totally agree with this statement and especially in this current economic climate it is vital that employers understand and support employee well-being.

I would also like to see employers do more to promote well-being and as you suggest certainly integrate this into all leadership development courses. I would go one further and provide all employees a high level overview of well-being and signs to look out for in themselves and others such as stress, anxiety and what simple steps can be taken to reduce these.

Good posting interested to hear what others think.


The Tonic said...

Thanks for the comment - I completely agree that education to help prevent stress and anxiety becoming a problem is an excellent pre-emptive strike and something that many companies sign up for.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to get your organzsation to be this forward thinking sometimes although it makes absolute sense. I'll print this and send it to my boss today and see what he thinks! Pray he gets it...
Great post.